10 reasons to surfskate

10 reasons to surfskate

This is why you should surfskate according to Salty Souls. Salty Souls specializes in creating immersive travel experiences exclusively designed for women, offering unparalleled opportunities to delve into the worlds of surfing, surfskating, apnea training, and yoga. Surfskate is one of their favourite surfing alternative!

10 reasons to surfskate:

1. Surf-like Experience:

Surfskating mimics the sensations of surfing, allowing riders to replicate carving, pumping, and flowing movements on land, making it an ideal alternative when waves are flat or for skill practice.

2. Improved Balance and Coordination:

Learning surfskating demands maintaining balance during dynamic movements, enhancing overall balance and coordination, which can positively impact various sports and activities.

3. Core Strength and Stability:

Surfskating engages core muscles through twisting and turning motions, promoting strength and stability in the abdominal and lower back areas, contributing to overall physical fitness.

4. Leg and Lower Body Workout:

Constant leg movements in surfskating, including pumping and carving, provide an enjoyable and challenging workout for leg muscles like quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes.

5. Fun and Alternative Exercise:

Adding excitement to routine workouts, surfskating breaks monotony while ensuring physical activity. The enjoyable nature of surfskating enhances motivation for consistent exercise.

6. Skill Transfer to Other Sports:

Surfskating skills, including balance and maneuvering techniques, can be transferred to other board sports such as surfing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and longboarding.

7. Urban Transportation:

Designed for maneuverability, surfskateboards serve as practical urban transportation, facilitating easy navigation through crowded streets and providing an eco-friendly commuting option.

8. Stress Relief and Mindfulness:

Riding a surfskateboard becomes a meditative experience, offering stress relief and mindfulness by focusing on movements, feeling the flow, and being present in the moment.

9. Community and Social Connections:

Surfskating fosters a vibrant and inclusive community, enabling connections with like-minded individuals, group sessions, event participation, and the development of friendships among those passionate about board sports.

10. Versatility and Adaptability:

Surfskating allows practice in various locations like skate parks and streets, offering a versatile and adaptable experience that can be customized to individual preferences and riding styles.

Check out the girls from Salty Souls on the surfskate

Salty Souls created their own surfskate design in collaboration wit YOW Surf. Check out the surfskate here:

Learn more about Salty Souls and why should surfskate here: Learn to Surfskate by Salty Souls

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